
Planetside 2 free camo code
Planetside 2 free camo code

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These devs seem to think words are a sin. Often snipers or vehicles kill you before you hear, see or detect them on the minimap unless you are scouting ahead with a sniper rifle.

planetside 2 free camo code

The minimap only randomly shows you structures and enemies, its not clear at all what causes something to show up on the map. The UI is atrocious, nothing about it makes sense. Good thing is there is an orbital drop spawn! Sadly though, you only get to use it every 15 minutes or so. This means(I kid you not) about 5-60 minutes of aimless or monotonous walking and running to actually start playing the game. Then often times the spawn locations are hundreds, sometimes past a thousand Kilometers from any enemy location/combat region. Not like it matters, you can die inside a safe spawn anyhow or life for a moment outside of it. While the offensive are simply aiming at the doors hoping to react fast enough to shoot an enemy to death. Then reinforcements come and the defending side tries to poke their heads out and fire rockets hoping they don't die and can save their base. 2 tanks and a location is ready to spawn camp. In other words Prime spawn camping material. Instead of having variable induvidual spawn points within a base or outpost, everyone is spawned in safe buildings within those areas. So red team has blue allies who are red and blue enemies who are red. Now let us make allies show up blue in the UI and enemies in red. CONFUSION Lets have 3 factions: red, blue and purple. In the long run they may have money, but I will never play a game from these people, and certainly not this one. The devs obviously just wanted a quick dollar. This is what we call ignoring game balance.

planetside 2 free camo code

Better armor, better weapons, more upgrades. pay to win striaght forward, pay money, get an advantage. But it does because without any nice tut, I am lost. This isn't a FPS with a campaign mode, if it did It wouldn't need to tell me a thing. Hell you don't even get taught about vehicles. alienation This game's tutorial consists of showing you how to play a generic first person shooter then throws you into combat without knowing what objectives are, and how to interact with other players. With 3 large maps, it fills a niche I've yet to experience and thought would be really fun. The fun idea A large actively changing map where all three factions fight for total dominance of the planet. Its a fun idea ruined by alienating new players, rewarding pay to win, and confusing and bad game controls, mechanics UI and a waste of in game time doing nothing. With 3 large maps, it fills a niche I've yet to experience and thought would be really This game is utter trash. The fun ideaĪ large actively changing map where all three factions fight for total dominance of the planet.

Planetside 2 free camo code