You can have two of them active at the same time, and they will be equally functional. Primary professions are the main skills that you can train through profession trainers in the biggest cities of Azeroth. There are two types of professions in World of Warcraft.

Below you can read about every single profession available in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, which might help you choose the most profitable ones for your character. It is vital to know how you can benefit from each one of them to reach its maximum potential. Because they are so diversionary, you can use them in almost every aspect of the game. You can use them as a gold making method, as a way of upgrading your gear, for collecting purposes, and many other situations. Professions do come with many perks and bonuses and are divided across many categories. It is one of the key features of this game many players do not utilize to their advantage. In almost every expansion in World of Warcraft, professions are receiving significant updates.