* Pirated software carries malware payload that can cost billions * Software Piracy on the Internet: A Threat To Your Securiy * IDC White paper: The Dangersous World of Counterfeit and Pirated Software * IDC study on The Dangers of Counterfeit Software * A total of 20 instances of six different types of malware code found The Hidden Risks of Using Pirated Software * Seven copies (58%) were infected with malware

In total of the twelve counterfeit software copies that could be installed successfully (six Office and six Windows) and tested: * 100% of the six copies had the Windows Firewall rules changed. * 100% of the six copies had Windows Update disabled Of the six counterfeit Windows disks that could run and be tested successfully: Of the twelve counterfeit Windows disks tested, they found that six could not install and run, and so could not be tested. Of six counterfeit Microsoft Office disks tested, they found that five were infected with malware. Using any pirated software is not only considered illegal activity but it is a serious security risk which can turn a computer into a malware honeypot or zombie.