If executed with an argument (an empire ID), this will toggle communication on or off with the specified empire. This command will colonize the planet you currently have selected with the population of the specified ID. This command enables and disables (toggles) the display of collision boxes for entities in the game. This command gets rid of any 'debug lines' (things printed on the screen from debug commands that shouldn't be there anymore) from your screen. It creates two save files of your game and checks to see if they are the same - if they are different, it means there is likely a problem with your save/the saving feature. This command is used to check that saving is working properly. This command initiates the Casus Belli with the specified ID against the specified empire. This command adds the specified amount of energy credits to your energy credits amount. This command calculates the map borders and prints them to your console. This command can be used to blend into a new post effect setting, relative to the specified type, transition duration and mode. This sets all AI aggression to 10 (making them become very aggressive).īlend_post_effect This command allows you to set your active audio group. This command can be used to play a specified sound effect. This command makes all fleets under your control target every fleet that isn't under your control. This command can be used to spawn an ambient object, relative to the specified ID. If you have an alien case, this command will attempt to integrate with AlienFX (changing your computer lights). This command enables and disables (toggles) AI-only anomalies for human empires. This command enables and disables (toggles) AI. This command causes every default empire to gain colonies, fleets and technologies (simulates the game in year 2400). This command adds the specified trait to the species with the specified ID. Use 'debugtooltip' to find leader IDs.Īdd_trait_species This command will add the specified trait to the leader with the specified ID. This command can be used to spawn a fleet of the specified ship. This command populates an entire planet with all of the specified species. This command can be used to add or remove (use negative numbers to remove) opinion from one empire to another.

This command adds the specified ethic to the specified population.Īdd_opinion This command adds an anomaly category for the planet that you currently have selected in-game. This command activates the specified tradition. This command activates the specified ascension perk. This command instantly activates perks for all traditions.Īctivate_ascension_perk This command will print your current achievement status to the console. When 3DStats is enabled, your FPS and render time will be displayed on the screen. This command will toggle (enable and disable) the 3DStats feature.